电子游戏软件俱乐部体育项目的使命是为寻求高水平竞争和友谊的学生提供运动机会. 与校园娱乐使命保持一致, 俱乐部体育项目致力于全人智力的形成, 身体上的, 社会, 和精神上. 另外, 俱乐部体育项目促进卓越, 问责制, 并通过支持学生管理的团队发挥领导作用.


波士顿大学的学生可以通过cashnet门户网站在线支付他们的俱乐部体育会费和费用.  请到 在线支付网关 现在付款.  


如果你想为一个团队捐款,谢谢! 请参阅我们的 捐赠页面






The 电子游戏软件 Club Baseball team, 这家公司成立于2013年秋天, 参加美国国家棒球俱乐部协会(National Baseball Club Association,简称NCBA)的北大西洋北区联赛.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /棒球


The 电子游戏软件 Men&美国国家篮球俱乐部协会新英格兰东部赛区的俱乐部篮球队.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-basketball


The Women's Club Basketball team was founded in 2014 and competes in the New England - East Division of the National Club Basketball Association (NCBBA) Women's.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-basketball


The 电子游戏软件 Men’s Club Crew team is comprised of a group of hard-working, 在地区和国家的竞争水平上划船的驱动运动员.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /船员


The 电子游戏软件 Club 骑自行车 Team is a member of the Eastern Collegiate 骑自行车 Conference (ECCC), one of the 11 collegiate USA 骑自行车 conferences.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /骑自行车


The 电子游戏软件 Club 马术 Team is a member of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) and practices throughout the school year at ABD 马术 under Coach Allyssa Dean.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /马术


The 电子游戏软件 Club 曲棍球 team competes in the National 曲棍球 League. 他们与当地的新英格兰球队比赛,并在11月的NFHL秋季锦标赛上比赛.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /是曲棍球

The 电子游戏软件 Club 高尔夫球 team is composed of competitive golfers looking to be a part of a team and improve their golf skills. The team competes in the National Collegiate Club 高尔夫球 Association (NCCGA) which is a national organization composed of club teams split into regions. BC Club 高尔夫球 represents the New England Region and competes in both the fall and the spring. In each season, they compete in two regional tournaments and, based on their performance have the ability to qualify for the National Tournament each semester at different destinations. The top 8 players compete in each tournament, which is determined by qualifiers that take place throughout the season. The team’s home course is Newton Commonwealth 高尔夫球 Course, which is just a short walk from campus. Tryouts are held each fall and everyone is encouraged to give it a shot and be a part of our team! Regardless of whether a member qualifies for Regional Tournaments, there are still opportunities to play, because the team holds golf tournaments in which everyone on the team can play. One of the team’s goals is simply to increase the golf presence on campus so they encourage anyone interested in reaching out.

See what the team is up to on 推特.  


The 电子游戏软件 Club 高尔夫球 team is composed of competitive golfers looking to be a part of a team and improve their golf skills.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /高尔夫球

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The 电子游戏软件 Women's Club Hockey team was founded in the spring of 2014, 并参加独立女子俱乐部冰球联盟(IWCHL). 此外,该队还是美国大学冰球协会(ACHA)的成员。.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-ice-hockey


The 电子游戏软件 Men's Lacrosse Club, 成立于2002年, 参加男子大学长曲棍球协会(MCLA)的大陆长曲棍球大会(CLC).

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-lacrosse


The 电子游戏软件 Women&s俱乐部长曲棍球队参加东北女子联赛&大学曲棍球协会(WCLA). 这支球队在2022年和2023年获得了全国冠军.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-lacrosse

The 电子游戏软件 Men's Club Ice Hockey team competes in the NECHA (New England College Hockey Association) Conference in Division 2 of the ACHA (American Collegiate Hockey Association). The team was founded in 2006, and is typically comprised of around 30 members. Tryouts are held at the beginning of September and league competition runs from October to March. On the ice up to four times a week, club hockey offers a level of play between the varsity and intramural levels. While maintaining five consecutive years as runner up in the Northeast Regional, the team offers a highly competitive hockey atmosphere and is comprised of a great group of guys who are willing to put in the work required to remain highly competitive.

You can see what the team is up to by visiting their 推特, 脸谱网 and website.


The 电子游戏软件 Men's Club Ice Hockey team competes in the NECHA (New England College Hockey Association) Conference in Division 2 of the ACHA (American Collegiate Hockey Association).

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-ice-hockey


The 电子游戏软件 Rugby Football Club, 成立于1967年, 在自由橄榄球大会上竞争,并在全国范围内对抗顶级竞争.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-rugby

BCWRFC was founded in 1979, 在秋季期间,作为东北女子大学橄榄球会议的一部分,在D1级别的15场比赛中竞争,在春季期间,作为国家大学橄榄球的一部分,在7场比赛中竞争.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-rugby


电子游戏软件 Club 运行, 以前WeRunBC, 成立于2015年,并于2018年成为俱乐部球队. 该队作为NIRCA(全国校际跑步俱乐部协会)的成员参加了激烈的比赛。.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /运行


The 电子游戏软件 Men’s Club Soccer Team was founded on the principle that competitive soccer can still be played even if it is not at the NCAA level.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-soccer


The 电子游戏软件 Women's Club Soccer team is a member of NIRSA's Region 1 Conference and competes on regional and national levels.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-soccer


The 电子游戏软件 Squash club is a group of students, 专注于在高水平上与全国其他院校竞争.&,

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-squash


The 电子游戏软件 Women's Club Squash team began in 2009. 从那以后,这支球队赢得了几次全国冠军.&,

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-squash

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The 电子游戏软件 Club 游泳 team, 哪一个成立于2022年, 参加CCS(学院俱乐部游泳)东区比赛.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-water-polo


The 电子游戏软件 Club 花样滑冰 team was founded in 2008 and currently compete in the Collegiate division of US Figure Skating 花样滑冰.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /花样滑冰

The 电子游戏软件 Club 乒乓球 Team was established in 2018 for male and female students of all skill levels. As long as the club has sufficient equipment to accommodate all team members, no one will be turned away. However, only the 16 best players will be able to participate in tournaments. The team practices twice a week throughout the school year, and during competition season, an additional practice will be held each week for tournament players. The team competes in the Upper New England Division of the&,National Collegiate 乒乓球 Association&,(NCTTA). The team's goal is to give 电子游戏软件 students the opportunity to participate in a unique sport and to build a team that can compete at the national level, with the goal of making it to Northeast Regional Tournament and the 乒乓球 National Championships.


The 电子游戏软件 Club 乒乓球 Team was established in 2018 for male and female students of all skill levels.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports /乒乓球


The 电子游戏软件 Men&成立于1977年的终极队参加大学终极比赛&美国顶级联赛和顶级东北地区.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-ultimate


电子游戏软件 Women's Club Ultimate Frisbee team, the Flix, was founded in 2006. 这个团队的重点是培养有经验和没有经验的成员的技能.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-ultimate


The 电子游戏软件 Men's Club Volleyball team competes in the D1 North Division of the NECVL (New England Club Volleyball League)

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-volleyball


The 电子游戏软件 Women&参加东北女子甲级联赛的俱乐部排球比赛&俱乐部排球联赛.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-volleyball


The 电子游戏软件 Men's Club Water Polo Team was founded in 1972, 目前参加大学水球协会新英格兰分部的比赛.

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / mens-water-polo


The 电子游戏软件 Women's Club Water Polo Team competes in the New England Division of the Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA).

公元前:办公室/休闲/ club-sports / womens-water-polo